Exterior Trim Repair in Memphis, TN

When it comes to your home's curb appeal, exterior trim plays an important role. But that's not the only role that it plays. Exterior trim is also important because it protects the seams around your windows and doors from letting water into your home's interior. That's why you need professional services for exterior trim repair in Memphis, TN. For that, you need a reliable Memphis handyman to get the job done.

If you find yourself in need of Memphis exterior trim repair services, turn to the skilled professionals at Mr. Handyman of Memphis. Well-maintained trim can be an important architectural detail on your home that lends itself to the aesthetic appeal of your home. But its purpose doesn't stop with its aesthetic qualities. That's why you need to ensure that your window trim, door trim, and roof trim are all well-maintained with the right exterior trim repair in Memphis, TN.

Exterior Trim Repair in Memphis, TN: Why It Matters

When it comes to defining exterior trim, many people group in their siding and fascia when referring to it. But those are part of your roof trim, which is different from the exterior trim that surrounds your exterior windows and doors. Regardless of the type of siding you have, trim is typically made out of wood, even if you have vinyl siding or natural stone siding. Because of that, your exterior trim might require the occasional exterior trim repair in Memphis, TN.

You might think that your trim only improves your home's curb appeal. But there are a lot more reasons to have well-maintained trim than just an aesthetically pleasing house. Here are the most important reasons why you should schedule an exterior trim repair in Memphis, TN:

Protection Against Water Damage

If you've ever had to deal with water damage, you know that it causes costly repairs. The project cost can balloon quickly if you don't deal with the source of the moisture quickly before you proceed with repairing and replacing damaged insulation, structural damage, or even mold growth. Trim plays a key role in forming a barrier against moisture intrusion.

Trim is installed around your exterior windows and doors to keep dangerous moisture from seeping into your home and causing damage. That's because any visible damage to your exterior trim, siding, or soffits can indicate that water is getting into your home, where it can wreak havoc. That's why you need comprehensive exterior trim repair in Memphis, TN.

Prevent the Spread of Wood Rot

Rotten wood is caused by a fungus that forms in wood that has a moisture content of 20% or more. That means that your wooden trim or wood siding is especially vulnerable to wood rot. For that, you need to keep an eye out for any damage to wood siding and trim.

Although wood rot can be expected, given that trim is made from wood, you can help prevent it with proper trim maintenance. That includes inspecting it for any visible signs of damage and applying paint or stain and a sealant regularly. However, it's also vital to know that even with regular maintenance, wood rot can occur, and it can spread to initially unaffected parts of your home.

That's why it's important to deal with maintenance projects quickly, especially if you're noticing that you have damaged or worn-out trim pieces. If you spot the signs, it's time to make the call for an exterior trim repair in Memphis, TN.

Saves You Money

You might not think that there's a lot of reward for an exterior wood trim repair, but that's not true. By properly maintaining your trim with regular Memphis exterior trim repairs, you're heading off the chance of more costly repairs occurring down the line. So, if you're thinking of putting off a window trim repair project for another day, make the call to schedule a service request for a comprehensive wood trim repair from the experts at Mr. Handyman.

Increase Your Property Value

If you're looking at selling your home in the near future, then investing in trim refurbishment and repair from specialized professionals can help increase your home's value. That's because new buyers expect you to keep your home well-maintained and repaired, so it's vital to stay on top of any maintenance projects you might have, including exterior trim repair in Memphis, TN.

Why Choose Mr. Handyman for an Exterior Trim Repair in Memphis, TN?

When choosing the right service professionals for your next exterior trim repair in Memphis, TN, you want to know you're making the right decision. That's why you need the top-rated local pros at Mr. Handyman. Our quality services come with verified reviews and ratings from homeowners, demonstrating the difference that Mr. Handyman can make for you with an exterior trim repair in Memphis, TN.

And it's not just trim repair that our service professionals can help you with. We can help with a wide range of services, including fascia repair, soffit repair, and gutter cleaning. Whether you're looking to boost the visual appeal of your home or have a long to-do list of handyman tasks you need help with, get in touch with professionals at Mr. Handyman today. We can even help you with wood rot replacement during your exterior trim repair in Memphis, TN.

Frequently Asked Questions About Exterior Trim Repair in Memphis, TN

What do you call the trim on the outside of your house?

When it comes to exterior trim, there are several important names to know. Fascia, soffits, and gutters are probably the ones that most often come to mind when you think of exterior trim. These are all important aspects of roof trim, but exterior trim also includes the trim around your exterior windows and doors. Much like any aspect of your home, they require regular maintenance and the occasional exterior trim repair in Memphis, TN.

What are the differences between trim and fascia?

Fascia is a very specific kind of trim and is installed below the roofline. Your fascia helps protect and cover your home's soffit, providing your home with a more finished appearance for the eaves of your roof (while also protecting your attic space). Fascia typically varies in width, but it's usually wider than the trim that's used on the rest of your home's exterior.

Is a soffit the same as trim?

No, they aren't the same. Soffits (and fascia) are installed in different locations that exterior trim. But they're still a part of your home that protects it. Your soffit is what lines the underside of your roof where it overhangs from the building. It's usually vented to help with air flow, although not always.

Need an Exterior Trim Repair in Memphis, TN? Call Mr. Handyman Today!

When you need a reliable handyman to handle a Memphis exterior trim repair, Mr. Handyman of Memphis is there with the expert service and workmanship you need at a reasonable price. Whether you're looking at a replacement of damaged trim or an exterior trim repair in Memphis, TN, Mr. Handyman delivers. Whether you’re in Memphis or the nearby areas of Atoka or Bartlett, give us a call or contact us online to get started!

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