Your big beautiful deck, exposed beams, and vintage shutters look great and enhance your home’s curb appeal…until they’re exposed to wood rot. Attacking in multiple forms, the fungi thrive in moist conditions, settling into wooden structures and features before devouring them. It’s not long after exposure that you’ll need Memphis wood rot repair, but thankfully, all is not lost with the right service team.

Your local Memphis handyman is well-equipped to handle the job. We know how to expertly identify the type of rot affecting your wood, as well as the knowledge to eradicate it completely. Our Memphis wood rot repair service will ensure your home’s structure remains stable and its features remain something to behold. Taking care of a wide range of home improvement services such as siding and roof repairs, Mr. Handyman of Memphis is the company you rely on for fast, friendly service and expert advice. Not only will we inspect your property and repair any affected areas, but we’ll help you learn how to maintain your wood surface and prevent rot from happening in the first place.

Ready to get started? Call our customer care team today to book your initial inspection.

Unfinished attic with bricks and woods

About Our Memphis Wood Rot Repair Services

Knowing what type of wood rot you’re dealing with can help you know how to get rid of it. There are three different types of wood rot which are aptly named for their appearance. Read on to discover their unique characteristics before learning exactly how we eradicate them.


This type of rot loves to eat the structural makeup of wood called lignin. Breaking it down leaves the cellulose intact, giving it a white or yellowish look. This rot is spongy or stringy and thrives in environments between 65-90 degrees Fahrenheit. That means it loves being indoors, so keep an eye out for this one on your door frames and cabinets, as it could cause structural damage.


This type of rot looks dry, but it’s not. It needs 20% moisture content to grow, breaking down the cellulose in wood and turning it into a dark brown color. As it breaks down, it will create cube-shaped bits, which will crumble, called a cubical fracture. While fascinating, the type of wood rot travels through your home over building materials like bricks and plaster; however, it will only affect wood. You’ll need a professional to check all areas of your home for dry rot, as it can travel back and forth to reinfect recently treated areas.


Appearing commonly in fallen trees, this type of rot loves moisture and grows very slowly. If you have soft rot on your deck, it’s easy to get rid of, and likely it won’t have affected a large area. Soft rot can live in temperatures between 0 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

It depends on what type of rot you are dealing with, but typically, any area of your home that may have been exposed to moisture can be affected by wood rot. Keep in mind that rot needs at least a 20% moisture content to grow, which means you might find some below your sink in your wooden cabinets or in your soffit if you've experienced a recent plumbing leak. The following areas are generally more susceptible to wood rot and mold growth:

  • Doors
  • Window frames
  • Attic
  • Siding
  • Steps
  • Deck
  • Crawl space

If you notice deep cracks across the grain of the wood, off-white fibers, little mushroom-like growth, or yellow tinges, you’ll likely need Memphis wood rot repair. To do this, we’ll remove the damaged wood with a specialized tool. Then we’ll fill it in with wood polyester filler or wood patch. These will fill the cut-out areas and reinforce them to make sure they hold up with time. If the wood is too rotten, we may need to replace the entire beam or strip.

Why Choose Mr. Handyman For Wood Rot Repair, Memphis?

Rotten wood is an issue that needs to be taken seriously. If left to do their own thing, the fungi could consume the entire structure, leaving it weak and crumbly. Why not tackle the project yourself? Because of the severity of the issue and depending on where it is, DIY Memphis wood rot repair isn’t just a matter of skill, it’s a matter of safety depending on where it is and how severe it is. Choosing a specialist ensures that the problem is diagnosed, the type of wood rot is identified correctly, and the right method of repair or replacement is used.

Mr. Handyman will give you peace of mind over the health of your home and will make sure that the fungus doesn’t keep spreading. We provide top-tier service throughout all jobs we perform, and the Memphis community knows us as a business they can put their faith in for a wide range of home improvement jobs. Arriving on time, in uniform, with all the skills, knowledge, and tools we’ll need for the job, you can count on us to get the job done right the first time—or we won’t rest until we do.

Frequently Asked Questions About Memphis Wood Rot Repair


Rot happens when a fungus grows in damp wood and causes decay. When the wood has more than a 20% moisture content and doesn’t dry properly, it becomes susceptible to fungi with a ravenous appetite specifically for timber. This can happen to wood that’s frequently exposed to moisture and cannot dry quickly. There are quite a few different types of fungi that like to feast on wood, more familiarly known as brown rot, white rot, soft rot, and dry rot. Despite the name of the last one, dry rot actually grows more efficiently with moisture. You’ll usually see wood rot on windowsills, door sills, or wooden decks that are not properly sealed.


Wood rot can certainly be repaired, but after a certain point, it makes more sense to replace it. If the affected wood is providing structure to your home, you should most likely replace it. Repairs are ideal for smaller areas affected by rot, but you should keep in mind that after you do, you’ll need to ensure it is not repeatedly exposed to moisture. To do this, figure out where the moisture is coming from and repair that. It could be coming from a leak on your roof or in your plumbing and possibly if your gutters need repair. If it is your gutter, we offer gutter cleaning and repair services alongside Memphis wood rot repair.


The difference between dry rot and wet rot is simply a matter of fungi. One type of fungi causes dry rot, and the other causes wet rot. Wet rot will look wet and dry rot will look dry; however, if you’ve been following along with our descriptions, then you know dry rot actually needs moisture to thrive. Unsurprisingly, wet rot does too. So what’s the difference between them? They needed to be treated differently to totally eradicate them. Choosing a professional for the job can help determine which one you are dealing with.


If you have a leak or if your home is repeatedly exposed to moisture, then stopping wood rot from affecting your home can be tricky. With that said, inspecting your wooden surfaces regularly is a great way to stop decay before it spreads. You can also use special protectants to seal and paint wood, covering it from potential moisture exposure. One of the main issues that causes wood rot is when wood won't dry quickly enough. By removing debris from around your wooden surfaces, you can stop the possibility of rot setting in.


Wood rot occurs from water damage and excess moisture, and unfortunately, Memphis homeowners don’t always know where to look for that. Water damage can happen behind the scenes, and if you have wooden beams on your ceiling or cabinets under your sink, you should be checking them regularly for signs of water damage. Other places you should check for wood rot include:

  • Fascia boards
  • Soffit
  • Windowsills
  • Door frames
  • Railings
  • Staircases
  • Shutters

Any wood that comes close to the ground outside may pick up dry rot after a rainstorm. We suggest walking around the inside and outside your home and detecting all wooden areas before thoroughly checking them over for signs of rot. If you find any or would like us to perform the inspection for you, give our expert team a call.


The final cost of repairs you pay to repair your wood depends on how much work needs to be done. You can probably imagine that an entire deck that needs Memphis wood rot repair would take more time than a single windowsill, and for that reason, the best way to get an estimate for the job is to schedule an inspection with our dedicated team of professionals. Once we check out all of the wood you believe is vulnerable to rot around your home, we’ll have a better idea of what work will be required and if any replacement is needed. Additional help may be required, such as drywall repair or basement wall repair, if the rot has caused damage.

Count on Mr. Handyman’s Craftsmanship and Call for Memphis Wood Rot Repair Today!

Once wood rot sets in, it’s not going to go away on its own; instead, it will weaken your deck or fence’s structural integrity, resulting in serious problems. Repairing it yourself won’t give you the same peace of mind calling a professional will—especially when the rot has taken over support beams in your home or under your deck. Because most Memphis homes have wood throughout the inside and outside, knowing exactly where to look can be time-consuming, not to mention overwhelming.

The experts at Mr. Handyman are well-versed in both wood rot and Memphis homes, and that means we know exactly where to look and what to look for. Relying on our experienced team will ensure your property is examined from top to bottom and back to front so you can rest easy. Serving all of Memphis and the surrounding areas, including Germantown, Hernando, and Brunswick, locals looking to get started and schedule their first inspection should contact us by calling us today.

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