A handyman using a trowel to lay and spread mortar across a short brick wall during while providing services for masonry in Wichita, KS.

There is a reason why masonry began in 7000 BC and is still in practice today. However, nobody would even think of building another Great Wall of China or a Colosseum. In the past, there were no concerns about time or money when it came to building something. It was possible to create things that would take a lifetime or more without any difficulties. Our ancestors would use earth, stone, or brick-faced concrete to build empires, amphitheaters, or walls as defensive lines. Let’s not forget about the art of laying bricks and binding them together with mortar. In 220 BC, slaked lime and sticky rice were employed. Then, travertine limestone and volcanic ash in 70 AD. All those traditional methods are important, but there is more to modern masonry. In Wichita, Kansas, experts choose to specialize in bricklaying and masonry. Wichita, KS property owners who appreciate traditional brick construction will likely have stone or brick structures on their properties.

Your local Wichita handymen at Mr. Handyman of the Wichita Metro Area are experienced masons who take pride in their precision, patience, and craftsmanship. Our expert team doesn’t want this wonderful art to become less and less frequent or have brick veneer products take over the real show. No matter if you have a traditional brick chimney or fireplace, trust Mr. Handyman for efficient Wichita brick repair.

While there are endless possibilities with masonry, Wichita, KS property owners are free to call us to schedule an inspection appointment. We’ll be more than happy to look at your home’s siding, equipped with a beautiful brick system, or your unique brick fence combined with wrought iron.

Our Services for Masonry in Wichita, KS

When it comes to masonry in Wichita, KS, bricks, stones, and mortar typically come to mind and probably give you a slightly European vibe as well. But brick is also useful in North America for those who are patient at building their unique structures, whether it’s for their home’s siding, chimney, or outdoor fire pits. However, over time, these structures deteriorate—especially without proper maintenance and repair for masonry in Wichita, KS.

When hiring Mr. Handyman to handle any repair for masonry, Wichita, KS homeowners can expect us to efficiently repair the following materials:

  • Brick (fire or acid also available)
  • Concrete blocks
  • Stone (or natural or manufactured)
  • Structural tile
  • Precast paneling

Understanding Masonry in Wichita, KS

Brickwork and other types of masonry traditionally relied on the properties of mortar—the binding material that holds the entire unit together. Nowadays, additional bonding substances are used to create more resilience. Overall, the ingredients used to create mortar play a huge role. A huge part of Wichita brick repair or installation is defined by mortar’s important properties:

  • Workability: Some may talk about mortar workability, which is probably the most important part of creating your mortar mix. Too much water or not enough could easily impact your overall construction process. Your local Wichita handyman, the bricklayer, brings enough professional experience to create the perfect workable mortar for brickwork.
  • Bonding: When referring to bonding in mortar, we’re looking at its adhesion strength, friction, and mechanical engagement between the mortar and masonry in Wichita, KS.
  • Strength: There is a mathematical formula to calculate the compressive strength of mortar. But it suffices to know the three main categories of mortar, which are: Portland cement combined with lime, masonry cement, and mortar cement. Whichever category is chosen will determine the compressive strength for that specific structure you’re building.

There is a lot to learn about masonry. Wichita, KS bricklayers at Mr. Handyman have received specific certifications and credentials that highlight their specific skills. Industry training, schooling, and work in the trades are what define our craftsmen’s skills and expertise.

Repair and Installation of Masonry in Wichita, KS

A crumbled and destroyed brick mailbox stand in the process of being rebuilt and the final results provided by Mr. Handyman’s masonry services.

We are proud to offer our quality masonry repair and installation services to the residents of Wichita and surrounding areas. Are you looking to increase your curb appeal by adding a cozy stone fireplace to your patio? Or do you want to install a brick partition inside your home for increased insulation capabilities? Our professional masons can do it all!

Whether it’s for residential homes or commercial buildings, you can depend on our installation and repair services for masonry. Wichita, KS construction projects can start from a foundation wall over a flashing layer or even as a replacement for existing siding. During a masonry installation on a house siding, there needs to be at least one inch of airspace between the sheathing paper and brickwork.

The main two materials we work with include:

  • Bricks: Burnt clay, sand lime, and engineered bricks are materials used in construction and manufacturing. Concrete or burnt clay brick units are pretty common for residential and commercial buildings, whereas sand lime and engineered materials are generally preferred for smaller structures in public environments.
  • Stone: Stone masonry is the most ancient type of masonry. Wichita, KS residents who appreciate stonework tend to install stone units as non-load-bearing, which means that the material is designed to carry only its weight.

Whether you have a brick project, stone, or other challenging projects for which you require a trained professional, hire your local Wichita handyman to help you install the following masonry in Wichita, KS:

  • Siding
  • Walkways
  • Chimneys
  • Outdoor kitchens
  • Fireplaces, fire pits
  • Arches
  • Wall partitions
  • Patios
  • Stairs
  • Fence posts
  • Driveway
  • And much more!

Why Choose Mr. Handyman For Brick Repair in Wichita, KS?

Mr. Handyman has been in business since the 1990s, providing excellent workmanship with guaranteed customer satisfaction! Over the years, our brand has grown across North America, making us one of the most prominent home service franchises. Every handyman location is a locally owned and operated business that knows the exact pain points of its community. At Mr. Handyman of the Wichita Metro Area, we are proud to be our locals’ first-choice handyman service to help restore their home’s comfort, energy efficiency, and curb appeal.

FAQs About Masonry in Wichita, KS

What is the Difference Between Solid Concrete Vs. Hollow Concrete?

Depending on your setting and budget, you can choose between solid and hollow concrete blocks. While solids are heavy and more expensive, you will greatly benefit from their high structural integrity, especially when planning to install load-bearing walls that support the weight of the floors.

On the other hand, hollow concrete blocks require steel reinforcement for stability. You may have heard of “reinforced concrete,” which is frequently found on public structures.

Overall, solid concrete is ideal for efficient small to medium structures, such as pavement from your doorstep to the front gate. However, hollow concrete is ideal for institutional buildings like schools and churches because they are easy to manufacture and, therefore, cost-effective.

What is a Glazed Brick?

There are different types of bricks, and glazed bricks are one. These are a type of brick that's been coated with a layer of glass-like material. The outcome is that the final bricks have a glossy appearance. The coating itself is applied after the bricks have been fired and can be applied in a variety of colors (and styles) to fulfill a specific aesthetic appeal. Glazed bricks are often used in decorative situations, like on the exterior of a building or as a decorative element in a design.

In addition, glazed bricks offer practical benefits. They're much more resistant to weathering and water damage, which can extend their lifespan. It also protects the structure of the building. But the glaze also makes them more resistant to stains and other forms of damage, helping keep buildings looking clean and remain attractive over time.

Often, glazed bricks are considered to be both versatile and attractive. They're often used in a variety of masonry in Wichita, KS, adding beauty and durability to a structure.

Is It Less Common to Choose Masonry in Wichita, KS?

There is one thing that often discourages people from choosing masonry. Wichita, KS property owners and our team at Mr. Handyman have talked about the price of creating fire bricks or cutting stone materials for buildings. From sourcing materials to intensive labor work, these are the main reasons why people tend to shy away from masonry. Wichita, KS residents want to build properties within four to six months rather than a year or two, which is fully understandable.

Most of our clients have turned to Mr. Handyman for Wichita masonry repairs and installations, although they have an existing property. But they seek additions and enhancements that involve brick or stone masonry. Wichita, KS service technicians get a wide array of requests for corner bricks on siding, fireplaces, patios, and industrial brick partitions. If anything, brickwork is coming back!

How Do I Repair Cracking or Crumbling Bricks?

If you're noticing that your brick structure is beginning to crack or crumble, then you need to identify the cause. Several factors affect brick, including age, weathering, and underlying structural problems. Once the cause of the damage has been identified, then an appropriate repair method is selected.

One of the most common options for repairing masonry in Wichita, KS, is to remove and replace the damaged bricks. Doing so involves carefully removing the damaged bricks, and then using a trowel to carefully apply new mortar. Lastly, the new bricks are properly placed and aligned, with the mortar being smoothed down to match its surroundings.

Another option that our expert professionals might employ is to inject grout or an epoxy material into the cracks that will fill and stabilize them. It's a less invasive (and less expensive) option but is generally only recommended for bricks that have minor damage. The more extensive the damage, the more expensive and expansive the repairs will need to be.

No matter which repair method is chosen, the repair needs to be handled correctly to ensure that your masonry continues to last the test of time. That's why you need a professional Wichita handyman to handle repair for your masonry in Wichita, KS. Depending on how extensive the damage is, or if you don't address the cause, then your masonry will only continue to deteriorate and require further repairs. In such cases, it's important to consult with a Wichita handyman to ensure that your masonry in Wichita, KS, remains in good repair.

What Are The Warning Signs I Need Repair for Masonry in Wichita, KS?

If you have existing stone or brickwork that hasn’t received the maintenance it requires or has suffered damage from external forces, it will need immediate Wichita masonry repair services. Often, it may not be easy to identify warning signs because you’re used to marveling at historic architectural buildings that have taken a beating for thousands of years. Unfortunately, if you have crumbly mortar or cracked bricks, you’ll need to call your Wichita handyman right away.

  • Cracks: Neither burnt clay nor concrete bricks can last forever without the necessary routine maintenance. Although masonry is designed to last for many years and can withstand harsh weather conditions, thermal expansion still has the ability to trigger cracks over the years. Reading the types of cracks may require a professional to determine the severity. For example, vertical corner cracks on damaged brick siding indicate foundational problems caused by shifting soil and house settlement. The same can occur on concrete fencing and pavements, which would require a foundation repair. When worried about masonry, Wichita, KS property owners can call Mr. Handyman for a detailed inspection. Small damage is easily fixed with epoxy or polyurethane crack injection. Untreated cracks will only get worse and eventually allow water to trigger structural damage to your foundation.
  • Moisture Damage: Cracks and holes will always invite unwanted moisture to penetrate the core of a structure and cause serious brick damage. To protect the structural integrity of your masonry, Wichita, KS masons will help you identify small instances of moisture damage and stop them from becoming worse. Stormwater can deteriorate and weaken cement that already shows signs of wear and tear due to worn sealant on the surface.
  • Freeze and Expand: Untreated or unnoticed moisture damage within a brickwork unit could show in the midst of winter when moisture freezes inside the unit and swells. This is how large cracks occur after a long cold winter because it’s physically destroying the structure from the inside out.
  • Spalling: Our experts for masonry in Wichita, KS talk about spalling when pieces of concrete break and divide themselves from the substrate or solid body. Fragments fall off due to interior stress, damage, and worn bonding. While it’s repairable, we recommend hiring a service technician to inspect the whole system from the inside out. This way, it’s easier to determine the most suitable repair method to recover the system’s original strength.
  • Bulging: If the bonding quality of the mortar deteriorates due to damage, it could lead to bowing bricks, where walls begin caving in at the specific trouble spot. During this type of repair for masonry in Wichita KS, your technician would need to inspect the underlying problem by breaking down the affected area.
  • Stains: Ever noticed a white sheen on your red brickwork? It’s naturally emitted from the mortar, cement, lime, sand, and clay used during construction and becomes more visible after the rain. It may give the overall unit an appealing, industrial appearance. However, it needs to be cleaned before the calcite becomes harder to remove.
  • Crumbly Mortar: One important routine maintenance job includes restoring mortar joints. Of course, that’s not easy to remember because it needs to be done once every 10 to 15 years, depending on how bad the weathering and decay is and how susceptible existing cracks are to water penetration. But mortar repacking is part of masonry. Wichita, KS handymen will make your mortar look good as new. Rely on our team of experts for efficient repair for masonry in Wichita, KS.

What Causes of Damage To Masonry?

Wichita's handymen get this question a lot. The truth is that all materials used to build or construct a piece of architecture have a shelf life—some longer or shorter than others. Of course, it highly depends on the quality of work that you put in. Next, there is the climate and the severe weather conditions it brings.

From discoloration to cracking, it’s crucial to get the damage fixed with professional repair for masonry. Wichita, KS masons like those at Mr. Handyman have helped many property owners protect their structures with preventative maintenance and minor repair services.

  • Damage From Vegetation: It’s easy to blame your natural environment for causing damage to your masonry. Wichita, KS properties that are surrounded by nature may increase your curb appeal as long as you take the necessary measures to maintain the exterior. Plants can access your masonry system via cracks and holes where they will continue to grow and cause interior problems. Also, if your stone work falls victim to soil shifting or lateral pressure, severe damage can occur.
  • Mind the Seasons: Whether you had ice dam or roof problems over the winter or during the snowmelt season, you will be able to tell if anything has suffered from water damage. Extreme temperatures can lead to cracks in your mortar and make your brick system loose. It’s important to get it inspected to ensure there is no interior water damage.
  • Inefficient Maintenance: You would like to think that you have an indestructible system when installing masonry. Wichita, KS residents tend to take their fire bricks or concrete blocks for granted and forget to inspect their mortar after ten years. Red bricks also have a protective sealant that you need to re-apply every ten to 15 years. Unsure how to maintain your masonry? Wichita, KS residents can contact their local mason handyman team for a detailed inspection. Chances are, it only needs minor repairs and perhaps some power washing.
  • Poor Installation or Repair: If you have hired an unlicensed masonry contractor in the past, that would explain the poor installation service or repair jobs, for that matter. Depending on what they have built, serious damage like a collapse could occur, which is highly dangerous if you have people near that structure. Efficient repair and installation for masonry in Wichita, KS requires precision and a sharp eye for detail and is not meant for uncertified builders or DIY projects.

What Are the Different Types of Mortar?

Several different kinds of mortar are used in construction and repair for masonry in Wichita, KS. The most common types of mortar used include the following:

  • Type N: A general-purpose mortar. It's suitable for most climates and applications. Commonly used in both construction and Wichita brick repair due to its strength and durability.
  • Type S: Specifically designed to be used in areas where freezing temperatures are common. It can withstand expansion and contraction when water freezes and thaws. It's commonly used for brickwork and repairs in cold climates.
  • Type M: A high-strength mortar for structural applications and places where there's going to be a heavy load and/or a lot of stress. It's particularly versatile in its applications.
  • Lime Mortar: Made from lime and sand, most commonly used in older buildings and in restoration projects. It's highly porous, allowing water to evaporate which helps with preventing damage to the brickwork.
  • Repair Mortar:  A specialized type of mortar that's designed specifically for Wichita brick repair and restoration projects. Available in a wide range of colors and textures. It's easy to match to existing mortar, allowing for seamless repairs.

Having Trouble With Old Masonry, Wichita, KS? Trust Mr. Handyman for Efficient Brick Repair in Wichita, KS!

Whether you need a masonry chimney repair, stone repair, or mortar repair, trust our masonry repair team at Mr. Handyman of the Wichita Metro Area! We’ll restore the beauty of your natural stone with our array of handyman services. We can even install new masonry features that will last for decades and help increase your property's value.

Mr. Handyman serves the locals of Wichita and many nearby areas, including Andover, Goddard, and Sedgwick. Grab your phone and contact us today to learn more about our dependable Wichita handyman services or to schedule an appointment for your masonry in Wichita, KS.  

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