The Knoxville Homeowners’ Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Goodbye season depression and hello Spring! Much to Winter's chagrin, spring has sprung and so has the inevitable need for spring home maintenance. Just as you clean your home in the spring, it's essential to perform spring maintenance every year to ensure your home stays in top shape and is prepared for the summer. Perhaps you've inspected the outside of your home and see a deck that was well-kept last year, but this spring, it looks weathered and aged. You think to yourself, were my fence posts leaning like that last year? Whatever you see, now is the perfect time to begin your spring home maintenance checklist with a little help from your local Knoxville handyman!  

We've compiled some key components of your exterior that could be refreshed every year to not only maintain its look and finish, but to ensure that come spring next year, you'll know exactly what needs to be done! At Mr. Handyman of West Knoxville, we understand the significance of spring maintenance and the challenges it can present. So, with this in mind, enlist the professionals from Mr. Handyman to complete these tasks for you, so that all you have to do is sit back and smell the spring flowers. Spring home maintenance just got a lot more convenient with Mr. Handyman! 

What Should I Prioritize on My Spring Home Maintenance Checklist?

During the winter months, it's easy to keep home maintenance inside, besides the usual snow shoveling and blowing. However, with the warm sunshine, the friendly birds, and budding flowers make for great companions for tackling outdoor home maintenance. Warm weather has a way of bringing humans (as well as bears) out of hibernation, and Mr. Handyman too! Though we repair, install, and maintain homes throughout the year, springtime is special. 

Though every property is different, there are common aspects of homeowners' exteriors that could use a little TLC every year. The tasks we've compiled on this spring home maintenance checklist are not hard; however, sometimes choosing a professional for these tasks may be something you want to consider if you don't have the proper tools, will, and time. So buckle up, let's take a look at some spring home maintenance tips to ensure your home in West Knoxville, TN is picture-perfect for the warmer weather coming our way!

Consider Staining Your Deck

If you get a lot of use from your deck, whether it's by entertaining your friends, family, and neighbors, consider starting your spring home maintenance checklist with your deck. During the winter, your deck will get covered in snowfall, moisture, debris, and pest infestations, so in the spring, your deck will look like a war zone—especially if deck maintenance isn't usually on your mind. The paint or stain you had previously brushed onto your deck may be faded, chipped, or just downright nasty if it hasn't been given a manicure in the last couple of years. 

Re-staining and sealing your deck should be done every 3-4 years, as it will protect the wood from moisture that may otherwise lead to the deck needing to be replaced entirely. Staining, painting and finishing your deck isn't as easy as applying a couple of coats and letting it dry. Though, with Mr. Handyman's professionals, it can look that way with their efficiency! Mistakes like overzealously power washing your deck, applying stain to wood that is or already rotten, or deck staining before it dries are honest mistakes that homeowners make. We know what you're thinking if these unfortunate circumstances have happened to you, “I try spring home maintenance one time and I end up with a bigger mess than when I started!” We hear you, and that's why we're here. 

Call upon the professionals at Mr. Handyman for professional deck staining or painting services, and see just how refined we can make your deck just in time for patio season!

Sometimes when you hire a professional for deck staining, they may be able to find signs of wood rot that should be repaired right away, or deck railings that are loose and wobbly, posing a safety threat. 

Fence Repair

Fences sometimes are just one of those household features where if it is still standing, there's no need to add it to your spring home maintenance checklist. But this couldn't be less true. Fences are responsible for creating boundaries between you and your neighbors, and ensuring that trespassers do not approach. Seasonal maintenance is absolutely necessary in order to keep their most important function of safety upheld. 

But also, unkempt fences are just plain old eyesores, and they aren't the cheapest to install, so fence maintenance and repair is definitely required. Lucky for you, the local pros at Mr. Handyman just so happen to be specialized in fence repairs. We handle a wide variety of fencing materials, from wood to metal, and vinyl. 

This spring, make sure your fences are strong, tall, and beautiful and not only will your fencing last longer, it will enhance your property's curb appeal and security!

In addition to fence repair and installation, Mr. Handyman offers fence painting services for your spring home maintenance checklist. If you've just had your deck stained, consider doing the same color for your fencing to tie your backyard together! 

Exterior Paint Jobs: Trims, Doors, and Garage Doors

Yes, the saying is “never judge a book by its cover,” but sometimes you do, and that's okay. Your home's exterior needs spring maintenance to recover from the wear and tear caused by winter. By refreshing the paint on window trim, front door, and garage door as part of your spring home maintenance checklist, you can instantly rejuvenate your home's look, making it more vibrant, inviting, and luxurious. Not only does a fresh coat of paint improve your home's appearance, but it also provides essential protection from the harsh weather conditions, such as the dramatic storms experienced in Tennessee. Investing in exterior paint jobs for your trims and doors can significantly enhance your property's curb appeal and add long-term value.

Exterior paint jobs are not easy, and they aren't quick, so if you don't have the time or gumption, that's what we're here for! Mr. Handyman of West Knoxville offers expert exterior paint jobs! 

Window Repair

You know how they say that 'eyes are the window to your soul?' Well, maybe your windows are the soul of your home! Okay maybe not, but they should be inspected every spring to ensure they are in great condition! Perhaps giving them a good inside and outside cleaning will liven them up for spring, but if the frames around your windows are starting to look weathered and could use a repair, Mr. Handyman is happy to help. 

A critical feature of windows is their weather stripping. Over time, moisture can accumulate behind a thin layer of paint, leading to unnoticed damage that worsens with time. As moisture builds up and causes caulk and weather stripping to loosen, it is crucial to take action, particularly before the arrival of spring rains! This can ultimately lead to water leaks and potential damage to the interior of your home. By proactively addressing any issues with weather stripping while handling your spring home maintenance checklist, you can prevent costly repairs down the line and ensure your home is well-protected from the elements.

Gutter Cleaning and Repair

How's your gut(ter) health? Okay jokes aside, gutter cleaning is perhaps the epitome of outdoor spring cleaning. A reliable rain gutter system is crucial for protecting our homes from the onslaught of water. By ensuring that the gutters are fully intact, we significantly reduce the risks of flooding, wood rot, and expensive water damage. As the exterior rainwater disposal system for our homes, the role of rain gutters is to divert any excess water runoff away from our property. Failing to do so could result in disastrous consequences, such as a compromised foundation. Instead of effectively channeling the water away, it will be directed towards our homes, causing erosion and washing away precious topsoil. 

Regularly cleaning your gutters is crucial for preventing costly and complex repairs. Without the proper tools or equipment, you might not be able to efficiently inspect or remove debris like stones, twigs, branches, dead leaves, or pine cones. Don't underestimate the power of a thorough spring-cleaning for your gutters—it can save you from potential headaches down the line. Mr. Handyman of West Knoxville gutter cleaning and repair is the Olympics of gutter maintenance services, and it's something you truly ought to see this spring!

Safety and Mobility

Ensure that your entryways are safe for the seniors in your life by adding these tasks to your spring home maintenance checklist. There are a few ways Mr. Handyman can modify your entryway to ensure it is safe for seniors:

  • Install a bright, motion-sensing light on the exterior
  • Declutter walkways
  • Install wheelchair and accessibility ramps
  • Grab bars near the doors
  • Install easy to unlock and lock exterior storm doors

Ensuring the safety and well-being of seniors is crucial, especially when living arrangements do not adequately support their changing needs. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize safety and mobility for elderly family members visiting or living with you. Mr. Handyman provides cost-effective solutions to help tailor homes to the unique requirements of aging individuals.

Get Help With Your Spring Home Maintenance Checklist From Mr. Handyman of West Knoxville!

At Mr. Handyman of Knoxville, we take pride in being your go-to source for professional, reliable, and safe handyman services. No matter the size of your "To Do" list, you can trust our team of skilled handymen to tackle all major and minor home repairs. That's why our local residents prefer our specialized services over hiring an independent handyman. We understand your growing spring home maintenance checklist can feel overwhelming at times. Balancing busy work schedules with family and community commitments can be challenging. We recognize your dedication to the local area, perhaps as a business owner. Let Mr. Handyman take care of your business maintenance and repairs, enhancing your company's image and value. Put down the hammer and let Mr. Handyman lend a hand.

Give us a call today and take spring maintenance head-on with Mr. Handyman!