The warmer days, and warmer nights of May give us a yearning for the long days of summer. For many, spring also means getting cau
On these pages we’ve spoken with Skip Wyatt, Owner, Mr. Handyman Serving Greater Fairfield County, about home repair and mai
“Licensed and insured”. We see it everywhere. These are ubiquitous terms on most service company advertising, but wh
We’d like to offer two simple suggestions that will greatly reduce the risk of damage to your home.Fire Risk: If you regula
QUESTION TO MR. HANDYMANMy driveway has cracks. How can this be repaired?Thanks for asking Mr. Handyman, Neil. You are wise to wan
QUESTION TO MR. HANDYMANI am not sure how or what I should be considering when looking for the best company to service my house. C
QUESTION TO MR. HANDYMANHello, I’ve heard—through a friend—that you offer a free home walk through to assess mai
How do I remove the swinging door between the kitchen and the dining room? Thanks, Bob K.Hi Bob,Thanks for your question. I know o
This month we wanted to highlight a recent job that demonstrate how Mr. Handyman’s approach to a project differentiates them
QUESTION TO MR. HANDYMANI have been looking for some help for a project I would like to do in my house. I have been recommended