Utilizing tiles for shower surfaces and bath surrounds is a terrific option if you’re looking into remodeling or renovating your bathroom. Tile is easy to clean, fairly inexpensive to install, and can add a distinguished look to your shower or bath.

Depending on your budget and the look you’re going for, you can choose from ceramic, porcelain, and glass tiles. Make sure you’re choosing a glazed tile for your shower surround as these are water-resistant and will prove more durable in the long run. Below are some shower tile ideas to consider for your bathroom renovation.


Although this portion of the wall might be constantly covered with the shower curtain or enclosure, it’s still important to have a tile design in your shower surround that complements the rest of your bathroom design, yet holds up to the wear and tear that comes with daily showering.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you’re choosing your tile design:

  • Many tiles in shower surrounds are simply patterned or solid tiles. Choose the one that best fits your bathroom.

  • When considering more complex designs, keep your shower size in mind: An intricate tile pattern may be hard to execute if you don’t have enough space to allow the pattern adequate repetition.

  • Consider how much time you’d like to put into maintaining the tile in your shower surround. The smaller the tile you choose, the more grout and maintenance will be required.

If you’re looking for tile repair and installation tips for a do-it-yourself bathroom renovation project, visit the Mr. Handyman blog and follow our professional contractors on Twitter!


If you're looking for tile repair in your shower surround, bathroom, or even in another portion of the house, call your local Mr. Handyman at 1-877-MRHANDYMAN to request service. Mr. Handyman can do more than a show-stopping tile job; let him take care of your other "To Do" list items too!

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