If you see signs of wood rot, then it's past time to make the call to an expert Murfreesboro handyman. Given that wood rot can affect your property's structural integrity, you need to contact an experienced service professional ASAP. They will be able to properly assess the damage and offer recommendations on possible solutions for wood rot repair. Murfreesboro, TN homeowners know that there's a trusted name to call when it's time for wood rot treatments.

Mr. Handyman of Murfreesboro and Smyrna is your one-stop call for carpentry services, including wood rot repair. Murfreesboro, TN homes with structural damage are no joke. That's why you need an expert in dealing with rotten and damaged wood.

At Mr. Handyman, we have experienced professionals who can promptly and effectively help you with cost-effective wood rot treatments. Murfreesboro, TN locals know that when it's time to book a repair service, they can turn to our expert handyman team. Give us a call today, or keep on reading to learn more about what we have to offer.

Expert Services for Wood Rot Repair Murfreesboro, TN

It's important to know that not all wood rot is the same. There are two main types of wood rot: dry rot and wet rot. It can be easy to get the two confused, but they aren't the same. They often require different methods for wood rot repair. Murfreesboro, TN professionals on our team will help you understand and see the differences. 

Let's start by looking at the main differences between these two types of wood damage.

Wet Rot vs. Dry Rot for Wood Rot Treatment Murfreesboro, TN

The biggest difference between wet rot and dry rot is that they're caused by two different types of fungi. A key difference is that wet rot requires a much higher moisture content in order for it to grow—it prefers wood that has a moisture content of 50% or higher. Dry rot, comparatively, grows at a moisture content of between 20% to 30%. These differences are key because they affect the recommendations made for your wood rot treatment. Murfreesboro, TN residents don't need to know the different signs between wet rot and dry rot, so long as they call in a reliable handyman service to tackle their wood rot repair in Murfreesboro, TN.

Often, moist wood is the most common cause of wood rot issues. Wet rot, however, is typically very localized and is usually located at the source of the water damage (i.e., a leaking pipe). However, it still requires immediate treatment, because it can cause structural damage, including weakened structures. If left untreated, you're looking at costly replacement wood to replace the damaged, rotten wood. Our service professionals can help with reliable wood rot repair. Murfreesboro, TN residents trust the team at Mr. Handyman when they're struggling with problems with wet or moist wood.

Dry rot is often the cause of extensive damage and requires specialized professionals and expert solutions to treat. Dry rot is incredibly aggressive and destructive, quickly ravaging wooden structures and leaving your real wood structures damaged and weakened. You could be looking at an entire deck replacement service if your deck is affected by dry rot, for instance, and you don't invest in an expert solution. That's why you need a service for wood rot repair in Murfreesboro, TN.

Why Choose Mr. Handyman for Wood Rot Repair Murfreesboro, TN

If you've dealt with a recent water leak or are having problems with water vapor in your home, it might be time for a wood rot repair. Murfreesboro, TN locals trust the skilled professionals at Mr. Handyman to diagnose and solve problems with a comprehensive wood rot treatment in Murfreesboro, TN. Whether it's affecting your home or your outdoor living space (and you want to avoid a deck replacement or find yourself in need of a deck repair), Mr. Handyman can help with real wood rot repair solutions.

When you choose Mr. Handyman, you're choosing expert handymen who have years or even decades of experience in the trades. You can trust that we'll deliver the highest quality customer service and workmanship every time you call us for a wood rot repair in Murfreesboro, TN. Check out our customer reviews to see testimony of why our services are so highly recommended. 

Request a service today to get started with an expert service for wood rot treatment in Murfreesboro, TN!

Frequently Asked Questions About Wood Rot Repair Murfreesboro, TN

How Do I Identify Dry Rot for a Wood Rot Repair in Murfreesboro, TN?

Several signs can indicate that you're dealing with dry rot and need a wood rot repair. Murfreesboro, TN residents can call Mr. Handyman of Murfreesboro and Smyrna if they notice any of the following signs following a water leak:

  • Wood feels soft and spongy
  • Fungus has a lemon-yellow tinge
  • Fungus turns gray as it ages
  • Dump, musty odors
  • Fruiting bodies (mushroom-like appearances)
  • Red spore dust is evident
  • Affect wood shrinks, causing cracking along the grain lines
  • Rotting wood might leave the veneer intact, hiding the rot

If you've had a recent water leak or noticed problems with standing water in your outdoor living spaces, it might be time to invest in a wood rot repair. Murfreesboro, TN homeowners can give Mr. Handyman a call today!

What Are the Signs to Identify Wet Rot for a Wood Rot Repair in Murfreesboro, TN?

Several signs indicate wet rot. If you notice any of the following signs, then it's time to schedule a wood rot repair in Murfreesboro, TN:

  • Wood shrinks, causing cracks to form
  • Feels soft and spongy
  • Discoloration of the affected wood
  • Fungus might be visible
  • Wet rot is localized to the affected area
  • Paint or stain is damaged, revealing cracked wood beneath
  • Damp, musty smells

Will Wet Rot Continue to Spread After It Dries Out?

With wet rot, the growth of the fungi stops once the moisture (including the source of it) is gone. That's why you need to treat the source of the moisture first, as that removes the cause of the fungal infestation and eliminates the chance that it will happen again. Wet rot typically remains localized to wet wood, so it's important to treat it immediately.

Mr. Handyman is Your One-Stop Call for Expert Wood Rot Repair Murfreesboro, TN Trusts

When it comes to wood rot, you need to book a wood rot treatment in Murfreesboro, TN. This isn't something you can wait to do. It needs to be dealt with quickly, especially if you have dry rot that can easily spread to unaffected areas. Give Mr. Handyman a call or contact us online today to get started with an assessment!

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