How To Tell If You Need A Front Door Replacement In Chicago, IL

The first thing people see when they visit your home is your front door. And as they say, first impressions matter. Your front entryway has a huge impact not only on curb appeal but also on how your entire property is perceived. But it's not just about looks—front doors also serve important functions. They protect our homes from the elements and potential intruders, help conserve energy, and keep our loved ones safe inside. However, when your front door starts to deteriorate, it's time for a replacement. Chicago's homeowners can easily and efficiently handle this project by contacting a local, experienced Lincoln Park handyman

In this guide, Mr. Handyman of Lincoln Park will take you through some of the tell-tale signs that necessitate the need for front door replacement in Chicago, IL. Whether you have detected indicators of decay or harm or you desire to revitalize your residence with a rejuvenated appearance, do not hesitate to reach out to Mr. Handyman of Lincoln Park. Our team of proficient professionals specializes in entry door replacement and guarantees that your fresh door will be both secure and visually captivating. 

Top Signs Your Home Needs Front Door Replacement In Chicago, IL

There are many common signs your home needs a door replacement or door repair from your local Lincoln Park handyman. The more common signs are: 

  • Your front door won’t open or close properly. 
  • Your front door is weathered, warped, or cracked.
  • Your front door lets in drafts. 
  • Your front door has moisture between the glass panes.
  • Your front door is suffering from water and pest damage.
  • Your front door is out of style.

Let’s look at these signs more in-depth to learn how to tell when your home needs a door replacement in Chicago, IL.  

Your Front Door Won't Open or Close

When your front door refuses to open or close, this is a major indicator that you need a front door replacement in Chicago, IL. There are a wide variety of factors that cause a door to improperly open. It could be from dirt buildup, a damaged strike plate, improper installation, or a shift in your home's foundation. Regardless if you have a wooden door, steel door, or a fiberglass door, when they refuse to open or close, it is likely from one of the above factors. When your entry door becomes a burden rather than a convenience, difficult to open and close, it's time to acknowledge that it's no longer serving its purpose, and it’s time for a door replacement in Chicago, IL.

Delaying its replacement will only lead to further damage. It is important that you get the front door replaced by an expert team. Hiring a Chicago handyman will ensure that it is properly placed within the frame and a flawless installation service that will guarantee your door opens and closes as it should. Our handyman will also help you select a door that fits the style of your home and provides the security and energy efficiency you need. By investing in a proper replacement, you can ensure that your new front door will serve you well for years to come. 

Your Front Door Is Weathered, Warped, or Cracked

Exterior doors can take on a lot of wear and tear. Especially in the 'Windy City'. Regardless of your entry door style, they are constantly exposed to drastic temperature fluctuations and susceptible to forceful impact. If you have a solid wood door, they especially take on the signs of wear and tear. Changes in weather conditions can frequently cause wood entry doors to warp and crack as time goes by. When inspecting your wooden door, approach it as if it were a challenging door to open. Pay close attention to any light seeping into the room from the solid wood door. It is common for these doors to have stress fractures within the grains, which can allow outside elements to penetrate the inside of your home or vice versa. 

Our service professionals recommend fiberglass doors if you have dealt with numerous doors that have warped, weathered, rotted, or cracked. Fiberglass can twist if its condition of purchase is faulty, or it is improperly installed. However, that is very rare. With our accomplished team, we'll have your door installed seamlessly, so you won't have to worry about an improper installation when you get a door replacement in Chicago, IL. 

Your Front Door Lets in Drafts 

Replacing your front door is not only about aesthetics but also about improving energy efficiency. As time goes by, many homeowners start to feel a chill seeping in through their old front doors, leading to higher energy bills, especially during the colder months. Pay close attention to the comfort levels in your home, and don't hesitate to replace your door if you see that your bills are skyrocketing. Investing in a new, energy-efficient front door can make a noticeable difference in your home's overall comfort and energy costs. Consider consulting with our team to explore the wide range of options available to you for a front door replacement in Chicago, IL! 

Your Front Door Has Moisture Between the Glass Panes

Many doors, like windows, feature double-paned glass packages to ensure durability and efficiency. However, as doors age, the seal between these two panes may deteriorate, resulting in the infiltration of moisture, mildew, and even mold. Witnessing this occurrence in a door can be quite unsettling. Some individuals might delay addressing this issue in windows for a longer period of time, as windows are typically made of inorganic materials. This quality grants homeowners the peace of mind that mold or mildew won't spread throughout their entire home, allowing them to postpone replacement.

However, replacing your front door becomes a pressing matter, especially considering that traditional residential doors have had a wood core or frame until recently. If there's seal failure between your door’s glass panes, it can create a breeding ground for mold and mildew, especially in shaded or less sunlit entryways. Dealing with mold remediation is the last thing any homeowner wants. Like windows in your home, when moisture becomes trapped between the panes of glass, it's essential to promptly get a front door replacement in Chicago, IL. 

Your Front Door Is Suffering From Water and Pest Damage

Water damage can compromise the structural integrity of wood, making it unsafe to support your door and protect your home. Similarly, insect damage can also jeopardize the security of your entryway. If you've experienced these issues, replacing your entry door is essential for ensuring the safety of your home. If an exterminator informs you that approximately half of the wood's structure has been compromised, your R-value, which measures energy efficiency through solid objects, has been greatly reduced. As a consequence, not only is your home more vulnerable to break-ins, but you are also creating additional opportunities for water or insects to cause further damage to your entryway, while simultaneously wasting energy for heating and cooling. The loss of R-value is particularly crucial for a door, as it serves as your thermal barrier (unless your door is composed entirely of glass). In this situation, a front door replacement in Chicago, IL becomes an unavoidable necessity. 

Perhaps Your Front Door Is Out of Style 

Is your door a little... dated? With a variety of entry doors available on the market, if you're looking at yours, and it's a bit 'retro', why not give it a bit of a facelift? Front doors can increase the value of your home, so investing in a new one could add to the overall curb appeal of your home. Realtors agree that when potential buyers are viewing a home, the front doors, along with the roofs and landscaping, are the first elements they either adore or despise. Just like fashion trends, styles for front doors evolve significantly and can fall out of favor. The front door plays a pivotal role in shaping the overall impression of your home, similar to a person's first impression. Therefore, investing in a new front door can be one of the most impactful and cost-effective ways to enhance your home!  

Choose Mr. Handyman for your Front Door Replacement in Chicago, IL—Call Today

Having a front door replacement in Chicago, IL, is inevitable. When the time comes to finally do so, count on Mr. Handyman of Lincoln Park. Our skilled handyman team is highly experienced in replacing doors. Equipped with the necessary tools and extensive knowledge of all types of doors, we guarantee a seamless door replacement process. We go the extra mile to ensure your Chicago front door not only looks good but operates without a hitch. When you're ready to schedule a door replacement in Chicago, IL, contact our excellent customer service team to schedule an appointment! We proudly serve Chicago, Lincoln Park, and Avondale.

In addition to front door replacements, Mr. Handyman works with a variety of doors. From French doors, patio doors, storm doors, closet doors, and more, we can repair, replace, and install doors for all aspects of your home!