Squirrels In The Attic
Q: Squirrels keep chewing through my soffit screens. Do you have any suggestions for handling this?
A: When this becomes a recurring issue it requires a two-pronged approach. Stronger soffit coverings and removal of the intruder. As the weather cools, your once brutally hot summer attic becomes an inviting dry cozy home for the winter. Once a pest has been in your attic, it knows this.
Screens are a poor deterrent and they make aluminum grids to cover most size holes. While this can slow them down, a rodent can chew its way through your soffit or fascia. They can be very determined, and a pest control company may be required to remove that determined individual. A rodent that hasn’t been in your attic won’t know what it is missing and covering all your accessible vent holes with aluminum grids will usually solve the issue.