Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Frisco Grout Repair

When was the last time you thought about grout repair? If you're reading this, you've likely spotted an issue. Perhaps it's looking a little worse for wear, there are sections missing, black stains you suspect might be mold or even general discoloration. Or, maybe you’re wondering if you should get professional help for Frisco grout repair.

If you find yourself looking at the lines on your tiled surfaces and thinking, "I swear this used to be white . . ." then it's likely time to get rid of the old and bring in the new with a grout repair project. Perhaps you're a DIY expert and feel confident tackling this project on your own. Or maybe you'd like to leave it to the pros. Alternatively, perhaps your curiosity is piqued and you're interested in learning more about grout repair in general.

Whatever the case may be, our Frisco handyman experts have it covered. We put together this detailed blog post, so you can learn everything there is to know about Frisco grout repair. By the time you're done reading, you might just be almost as much of an expert as our service technicians!

The professional team at Mr. Handyman of Frisco is here to help with all your home improvement needs, from grout repair and tile repair to larger projects like a shower remodel. If you have questions about an upcoming project you have in mind, you're welcome to chat with our friendly staff at any time! We're here to serve the Frisco area and provide unparalleled customer service to all our loyal clients.

So, What Do I Need to Know?

Before we dive into the nitty gritty and answer some commonly asked questions about Frisco grout repair, let's start with the basics. At Mr. Handyman of Frisco, we believe all homeowners should be as educated as possible about the various materials and fixtures that make up their homes. Even if you've never lifted a tool in your life—and have no desire to—it's helpful to learn the basics. Let's start with breaking down the different kinds.

What's the Difference Between Sanded and Unsanded ?

Sanded and unsanded grout are two of the most common varieties. Each type has its own specific uses, benefits and disadvantages for Frisco homes. So you can better understand the differences between the two, we’ve laid out a pros and cons list.

Sanded Pros

  • Sanded variations are thicker than their unsanded counterparts. Due to the fine sand mixed in, the mixture will not shrink and pull away from tiles as it dries. However, because of its thickness, it needs to be applied to tiles that are spaced out more than 1/8 of an inch apart.
  • Sanded grout is usually more durable than other kinds. This makes it ideal for areas in your home with heavy foot traffic, such as the bathroom or kitchen floor, because it's less likely to crack under pressure.

Sanded Cons

  • Sanded grout may scratch smooth tiles, because it's texture is somewhat like sandpaper. You wouldn’t sand a marble, granite or limestone tile with sandpaper, so it’s important to know what would scratch if you opt for this variety. It would be a shame if your natural stone tiling got damaged.
  • Sand mixed grout is too thick for narrow spaces. Applying it to spaces that are smaller than 1/8 of an inch is difficult because the mixture is too thick for precision work. This often rules it out for use on vertical surfaces.

Unsanded Pros

  • Unsanded varieties hold better on vertical surfaces. Since this material is stickier than its opposite, it works better for applying tiles on a backsplash or bathroom wall. Also, even though unsanded versions shrink, this is less of an issue on a wall as opposed to a floor because wall tiles are generally placed closer together.
  • It's also generally easier to work with. Another benefit for using unsanded types is that it's easier to apply an even layer before placing your tiles. While our handyman pros are experts at using both sanded and unsanded varieties, this is a good consideration for DIYers.

Unsanded Cons

  • Unsanded varieties have less color options than sanded options. While not a deal breaker, depending on your design goals you may want a color that is not available.

How Do I Repair Old Grout?

Fixing grout is a common project for many Frisco homeowners. Sometimes your tile may still be in tip-top shape, but the grout surrounding it has cracked, faded, is moldy or is no longer your style. The best repair solution for that problem is often replacement. Time to get rid of the old, and refresh your space with something new.

Replacing old grout is not difficult, but it is a time-consuming task. If you’d rather save that time, call the pro team at Mr. Handyman of Frisco. We’re more than happy to take this repair task off your hands.

DIY Frisco Grout Repair:

  1. Remove the old material. Wearing safety goggles, use an oscillating tool fitted with a grout blade to remove as much of the old substance as you can.
  2. Remove any remaining material. Take a flathead screwdriver or utility knife and manually remove any grout the power tool missed.
  3. Clean as you go. Using a shop vacuum, clean up dust and debris as you go.
  4. Apply new grout. Mix and apply your grout using a rubber float tool, holding it at a 45-degree angle.
  5. Wipe away excess. Once it's no longer tacky, use a damp sponge and wipe away any excess.
  6. Seal properly. Following the manufacturer's instructions, use a foam paint brush, paint pad or small roller to coat the grout lines completely. Wipe off any excess that gets on your tile. Let the first coat dry for 15 minutes, and repeat.

See? Easy as pie! However, like we mentioned earlier, if you're not fond of DIY repair projects, don't have time or don't have access to the specialty tools needed to properly complete this project, give our team a call. Our technicians have years of experience completing a wide range of home repair projects in Frisco. We will quickly and efficiently repair your old, damaged or dirty grout so it looks good-as-new.

What's the Best Way to Keep Grout Looking New?

Now that you've replaced your old grout—or at least, now that you plan to replace it—you don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past that left the old material in a dilapidated state. Granted, age eventually wears down all things, but there are a few things you can do to prevent that process as much as possible.

The best way to prevent stains, mold and calcium buildup on grout is to follow the rule of threes: seal, clean and ventilate. Sealing is one of the most important steps—which your professional Frisco handyman is sure to do on your behalf. Grout is very porous, which is why it can be prone to dirt and bacteria buildup. Sealing it helps prevent this kind of wear. It's important to note that sealant needs to be reapplied every three to five years. This is easy to remember, because it's around this time that homeowners often also need caulking service for replacement or repairs.

Regular cleaning is absolutely essential to properly maintain grout. While different people in Frisco have different cleaning schedules, your shower should be cleaned weekly for best maintenance—and hygiene. This rule of thumb follows for any areas in your kitchen too. Any supermarket tile cleaner should do the trick. For those that like to avoid chemicals, white vinegar diluted with a bit of water is also an effective cleaning agent.

Finally, proper ventilation is key—and not just for preventing the need for Frisco grout repair. Ensure you have fans installed in your bathroom to circulate the air and help reduce humidity. It's essential that your tiled surfaces are able to dry-out completely between showers. This lessens the likelihood of mold and mildew growth occurring.

Should I Use a Daily Spray?

Perhaps you heard this advice from your sister or friend, and there are many daily shower sprays available in Frisco. Ultimately, taking this additional cleaning step is up to you—as it's not entirely necessary. If your shower has been properly sealed, you don't need to clean it daily. However, there are a few caveats to this. If your bathroom is not well ventilated, you have a big family or take more than one shower a day, you might want to consider a daily spray-down. After all, it doesn't hurt!

How Do I Clean Stained Grout?

Perhaps you just moved into a new place and its tiled areas are already stained, or you've been in your home for a while and would prefer to avoid future Frisco grout repairs, you may be wondering how to get rid of pesky stains. If a regular cleaner doesn't do the trick, it's time to up the ante. Try using a spray-on bleach product made especially for tiles, and put in a little elbow grease by scrubbing with a clean toothbrush. After putting in the effort to thoroughly scrub your grout, be sure to keep up with routine maintenance to avoid having to go through this hassle again. If you're not the kind of person who enjoys cleaning, then maybe a daily spray might be a good option for you. Once you get into the habit, it's as easy as squeegeeing your shower door.

What Should I Do About Cracked and Crumbling Grout?

Grout serves a really important purpose, whether in your bathroom, on the floor or on your kitchen backsplash. It doesn't just keep tile looking nice and safely secured to the wall or floor. It also helps prevent moisture damage by stopping water penetration. However, when cracked or damaged, water will seep through any vulnerable areas. This means that moisture will wreak havoc on your subfloor or drywall. If you notice cracked and crumbling areas, you need an appointment for Frisco grout repair services immediately.

Also, it's important to note that you can't simply apply more grout to damaged regions. Without a firm surface to adhere to, the new layer will fall apart rapidly. Thus, you need to follow the proper procedure for repairing and replacing any damaged areas. Since scraping away grout can be a time-consuming process requiring a lot of attention to detail, we suggest hiring a home repair pro—like the team at Mr. Handyman of Frisco—to take care of it for you. Unless, that is, you're an avid DIYer.

Should I Care for Tiled Surfaces in My Kitchen Differently Than Those in My Bathroom?

While tile in the bathroom is exposed to more water and grime, you don't really need to treat kitchen areas too differently. The most important rule of thumb is to keep them clean. Sticky spaghetti sauce, splashing oil and food residues will build up over time—possibly causing grout in those areas to deteriorate more rapidly. Ensure you wipe down your tiled surfaces after cooking, to avoid caked-on grease and food residue that is tougher to clean.

What About Tile on My Floor?

Weekly cleanings should be sufficient to maintain your floors—permitting they're properly sealed. Depending on the type of tile you have, a traditional Swiffer or mop and bucket should be sufficient to keep these regions clean. If you have pets or lots of foot traffic in your home, you may want to sweep in between deep-cleanings as well.

Need Grout Repairs? Trust the Pros at Mr. Handyman of Frisco!

If you're ready to revamp your kitchen backsplash, foyer floor or shower area with professional grout repair services, look no further than the experts at Mr. Handyman of Frisco. Our team of hard-working service technicians have years of experience, are highly trained and possess all the necessary tools to get the job done right the first time. We're proud to serve the Frisco area, including communities such as Little Elm and Aubrey.

To book an appointment today, give our friendly customer service staff a call. We look forward to helping with your next Frisco home repairs or home improvement project!