How to Turn Your Unused Space into Something Useful

Beautiful sunroom with large windows in a residential home.

Do you have extra space in your home, space that is not being used? Whether you are empty-nesters that are not interested in downsizing, or you just moved into a bigger place and aren’t sure how to utilize the space – there are countless options available for you to put that extra space to good use.  

The challenge is that putting those ideas into motion isn’t always an easy thing to do! If you are thinking about converting some extra space in your home into something new and useful, we have some steps that can help turn your plan into a reality! 

Stop Coming Up with New Ideas 

If you keep dreaming about how to utilize space in a small bedroom or how to utilize space in a small bathroom but continuously change your mind, it will never come to fruition! First, take some time to list out what you need from the space, then figure out how you want it to function for you. Once you do this, set your plan (and renovation budget) and begin to move forward - just be sure to stick with your vision until your renovation is complete. If you keep changing things up throughout, you may never finish. Once it’s completed you can make tweaks and adjustments based on how the space is working for you. 

Be Realistic 

One of the biggest mistakes people make with space utilization is that they come up with an overly ambitious plan for their space that is not realistic. So, if you have an idea about how to utilize some dead corner space, along with ideas for a small bedroom or bathroom and try to take it all on at once, you may not finish any of it. Start with one space at a time, see it through to completion, then move on from there. Remember, success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Plus, once you have finished one space, you can see what worked and what didn’t and apply those lessons to the next project.  

Establish a Timeline 

Let’s face it: there’s nothing worse than having parts of your home that remain in a constant state of flux—a construction zone. Before you start any project set a realistic deadline for completion, along with key milestones you need to achieve along the way. Of course, things do happen (especially if you have a family) but try your best to stick to your original schedule. This should keep you energized throughout the project lifecycle by helping you feel encouraged and motivated by the progress you are making. Establishing a timeline with milestones will also provide you with a track to run and a finish line to reach.  

Determine Your Budget 

When you sit down to set a renovation budget for reconfiguring your space, it is essential to consider all aspects of the cost of your project - down to the last detail. This will help you understand your limitations regarding what you can and can’t accomplish. And it will help you stay within your project budget without breaking the bank. Remember, it is better to plan and set a home renovation budget ahead of time than to be stuck with unexpected bills at the end 

Get Professional Assistance 

Whether you are looking to better utilize dead corner space, a small basement, bathroom, attic, small bedroom or other unused areas of your home, the experts at Mr. Handyman can help. We are experienced, trustworthy, and locally owned. We can help you with everything, from planning your project to completing it. So, if you need help figuring out how to utilize space in a small room, or any other part of your home, contact us or schedule an appointment online