How to Clean Wood Stove Glass

Last Edited: 4/15/24

A person cleaning a stove.
A wood stove is a great focal point in any room. There are few things better than curling up in front of the fireplace with a cozy blanket and a good book. Or maybe a quiet evening at home with your significant other. But when the glass on a wood stove gets grimy and dingy, it can turn into an eyesore and greatly diminish the atmosphere in the room.

Cleaning the glass on a wood stove after each use is always best to keep the grime away. Unfortunately, sometimes life gets in the way and cleaning the glass on the stove doesn’t happen as often as it should. The dark buildup of soot may look intimidating, but the following tips and tricks from Mr. Handyman will have your wood stove glass looking crystal clear in no time!

Cleaning Wood Stove Glass With Newspaper

Fortunately, you can get squeaky clean stove glass with items you already have around the house.

  • Make sure the fire in the fireplace is extinguished and that there are no hot coals.
  • Wipe away any loose ash and soot from the glass with a paper towel.
  • Crumple old newspaper, dipping one end into clean water.
  • Dip the damp newspaper in the ashes of the fireplace. Rub the glass with the ash in a circular motion. The ash will work as a mild abrasive, which will help clean the soot without scratching the glass.
  • Repeat as necessary until all the soot has been removed.
  • Use a clean paper towel and glass cleaner for one final clean on the inside and outside of the glass.

How to Clean Wood Stove Glass With Vinegar

  • Make sure the fire in the fireplace is extinguished and that there are no hot coals.
  • Wipe away any loose ash and soot from the glass with a paper towel.
  • Mix one part vinegar with three parts water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution over the glass and gently polish the glass with a clean kitchen towel.
  • Repeat as necessary until all the soot has been removed.
  • Use a clean paper towel and glass cleaner for one final clean on the inside and outside of the glass.

How to Prevent Dirty Wood Stove Glass

What’s the best way to avoid soot on your wood stove glass? Follow the tips below!

  • Burn seasoned, nonresinous hardwoods. Resinous woods, such as pine, produce oils and other compounds that are likely to accumulate on the wood stove glass.
  • Burn a hot fire using well-seasoned wood before wiping off the glass. But remember to wait until the glass has cooled down to keep from burning yourself!
  • Avoid long, smoldering fires. These types of fires produce large amounts of smoke, which will leave a sooty residue on the glass.

Cleaning Wood Stove Glass Dont's

Don’t make it harder than it has to be, follow these tips to make cleaning even easier.

  • To avoid excessive soot buildup, make it a habit to clean your wood stove every time you empty the ashes.
  • Don’t spray hot glass with water. This can cause the glass to crack or shatter.
  • Don’t clean the glass while it is hot. The glass should be cool enough to touch before you start cleaning it. If you don’t wait until the glass has cooled down, you risk the chance of burning yourself or cutting yourself on shattered glass.
  • Don’t use razor blades or steel wool to get the soot off the glass. While these tools can easily remove the soot and grime from the fireplace, they can leave behind scratches on the glass.

Contact Mr. Handyman

If you need a wood rack built for your firewood to compliment your wood stove, or if you need any professional handyman services, contact Mr. Handyman! Request service online or call us today!