Pantry Organization | Turn Green with Pantry Envy

Organized pantry.

WARNING: You may experience excessive drooling after reading this blog post due to an illness called "Pantry Jealously."

PJ, as it's commonly referred to, frequently occurs during the season known as Spring Cleaning; when many families conduct home repairs and "deep cleanings," while organizing all rooms and closets of their homes.

All kidding aside, spring is a fantastic time of year to finally organize that messy pantry. One of the best organization tips for your pantry, which is used in the above photo, is custom cabinetry or shelving.


Lazy Susans are another great tool to use when organizing the pantry, which is highlighted in the video above. It keeps everything within reach. No longer will your kitchen look like a tornado has ripped through there after you've torn through everything to find that short jar of cinnamon hiding in the pantry shadows.

What does your pantry look like these days? Is it in dire need of a makeover?